APRIL 2014
Enter our fab giveaway on our Facebook Page - Prize Value R600!

Mina Moo and Baby got a mention on You,Baby and I blog
AUGUST 2013 Mina Moo and Baby is a proud sponsor of the National Bandana Day Baby and Toddler Competition - In Aid of The Sunflower Fund. For More info and to enter www.sunflowerfund.org.za |
JUNE 2013 Write up about Mina Moo and Baby products on the Baba Llama Blog http://baballama.com/2013/06/llamastyle-cute-bibs-for-stylish-toddlers/
MARCH 2013 Mina Moo and Baby attended the Liberty Mompreneurs breakfast for women in business http://cupcakemummy.wordpress.com/2013/03/07/the-libertymompreneur-breakfast/
FEBRUARY 2013 Great review on Mina Moo and Baby Dummy Clips on The Mommy City Blog. http://www.themommycity.co.za/dummy-clip-from-mina-moo/
DECEMBER 2012 Lovely review on Mina Moo and Baby Bibs on The Mommy City Blog. http://www.themommycity.co.za/mina-moo-baby/
NOVEMBER 2012 Nice little write up by 'The Mommy City' and Mina Moo Bibs got a mention as well :)http://www.themommycity.co.za/mamamagic-cape-town/
OCTOBER 2012 Mina Moo and Baby bibs in Show Magazine for Product Innovation.
OCTOBER 2012 Mina Moo and Baby in 'Die Burger' newspaper 31 October 2012
OCTOBER 2012 Tickets available through computicket |