News — Reviews

Screen print workshop

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This post is rather delayed as I have a new Mina Moo growing in my tummy who is taking up most of my time and energy.  A couple of months ago I attended the Zana screen print workshop, I have been desperately trying to get onto this workshop since last year but its always booked out in no time as they only run a few workshops a year and space is limited. I finally made it on to the workshop in Feb this year and being 6 months pregnant was not going to stop me ha ha! needless to say their...

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Mina Moo products review

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Recently some of our products was reviewed by the lovely Lisa from The Momma's Blog , have a look at the review here, always happy to hear such positive feedback about our products and especially our quality :)  We only use the finest quality cottons on all our products combined with meticulous workmanship giving you only the best for baby :) 

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